Mari Eckstein Gower combines words, images, and kinetic structures to connect her readers with new perspectives on the world around them.
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After years of experience as a printmaker, graphic designer, and art director, Mari began her career as a book artist when she realized that the most important ingredient to her work was the power of story:
“I realized that words on their own aren’t enough to get across what I want to tell. Images alone aren’t enough either. Book arts combines the two—and adds an experiential dimension that lets me speak even more directly with the reader.”
Mari finds her unique story perspectives through extensive research:
“By throwing a wide net, I’m able to find such connections as how the structure of the Bayeux Tapestry helps examine the historic attitudes toward PTSD, or how the history of architectural styles forms windows to explore our current themes on homelessness issues.”
See more of Mari’s work
You can see Mari’s works in the libraries of many major universities, or in gallery shows in the US and internationally.
You can see images and descriptions of selected works on this site.